Online Event
March 12th @ 11:00AM – 12:00PM EST

Boosting Finance’s Impact with Advanced Data Quality Management

Learn how you can:
  • Manage dimensional maintenance effectively and improve data governance.
  • Achieve accurate, reliable BI reporting with ease.
  • Leverage OneStream’s data quality tools to avoid costly DataMart or Data Warehousing projects.
  • Seamlessly connect to various data sources for a smooth integration experience (Smart Integration Connector).
  • Incorporate machine learning (SML) to enrich your process.
Get inspired by real-world examples from our diverse customer base, including:
  • A lawn & landscape enterprise improving financial decision-making and escalating the company’s valuation by integrating multiple data sources and operational metrics.
  • A global lighting appliance manufacturer reducing costs and timelines by utilizing OneStream instead of a traditional data warehouse.
  • A food manufacturer & packaging company leveraging revenue drivers and supply chain metrics to proactively manage PPV.
  • A global power control manufacturer driving forecast precision by automating intercompany transactions using their global trading model.

Reserve Your Spot

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